Rarely has any work of period fiction so successfully evoked the historical era in which it is set:
"Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" stars Harrison Ford as an archeologist in 1957 competing with an evil KGB agent, played by Cate Blanchett, to find a skull endowed with mystic powers...
..."What galls is how together with America we defeated Hitler, and how we sympathized when Bin Laden hit them. But they go ahead and scare kids with Communists. These people have no shame," said Viktor Perov, a Communist Party member in Russia's second city of St. Petersburg...
"Harrison Ford and Cate Blanchett (are) second-rate actors, serving as the running dogs of the CIA. We need to deprive these people of the right of entering the country," said another party member, Andrei Gindos.
Though the ranks of the once all-powerful Communist Party have dwindled since Soviet times, its members see themselves as the defenders of the achievements of the old Soviet Union.
Other communists said the generation born after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union were being fed revisionist, Hollywood history. They advocated banning the Indiana Jones outright to prevent "ideological sabotage."
"Our movie-goers are teenagers who are completely unaware of what happened in 1957," St Peterburg Communist Party chief Sergei Malinkovich told Reuters.
"They will go to the cinema and will be sure that in 1957 we made trouble for the United States and almost started a nuclear war."
"It's rubbish ... In 1957 the communists did not run with crystal skulls throughout the U.S. Why should we agree to that sort of lie and let the West trick our youth?"
Vladimir Mukhin, another member of the local Communist Party, said in comments posted on the Internet site that he would ask Russia's Culture Ministry to ban the film for its "anti-Soviet propaganda."
Wow. Did they really use the phrase 'running dogs'? Retro, dudes! I totally got Cold War shivers. I think I'll get under my desk and tuck my head between my knees. Those were the days, huh?
I can't wait for the next movie in the series, when Speilberg decides to give the Commies equal time -- INDIANA JONES RECANTS HIS FILTHY IMPERIALIST BOURGEOISIE LIES AND EMBRACES THE CAUSE OF THE PROLETARIAT. That one will be a barn burner.
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