"This was my biggest concern going in, because two hours and forty minutes is a very long amount of time for me not to check Twitter. At the screening, I didn’t have my phone (they took it) and I was wearing a broken watch (hipster affect)"
I just know that if I were to post a hundred word comment on anything this guy ever wrote, he'd either accuse me of bloviating or just toss off a 'TLDR'. "Hipster affect" my ass. If he wears a watch that works, he might notice how short his attention span is. Wouldn't want that.
"Granted, these movies are based on superhero comics, which do this sort of character development a lot, with characters baldly stating what they’re thinking or feeling because of the comparative struggle of comics to delve into their characters’ heads, lacking consistent devices for inner monologues (as a more traditional novel would have) or the benefit of an actor’s performance (as a movie or TV show would have)."
Please stop writing about things you don't know anything about. PLEASE. Comic books have one of the best devices for inner monologues ever invented -- the thought balloon. Modern comics don't use it because modern comics suck, but if this reviewer had ever read a GOOD comic, he'd know all about the thought balloon. I mean, Jesus.
That said, I can’t say that any of the deaths were particularly moving. Loki’s early offing at least sets the stakes of Infinity War. I’d probably mourn Idris Elba’s character if I could remember his name.
Fuckstick. If you can't remember Heimdall's name, stop writing about the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Right NOW.
Scott: Co-sign!
I know it's hateful and wrong to use references to homosexuality in an insulting fashion. I know this. I know this. I know this. But. Still. Jesus Christ, dudes.
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