Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 08

Just to keep track (lack of comments for, like, the last three months has discouraged me from updating this blog, but someday I may want to look back and see stuff like this)

What did I get SuperWife for Christmas this year? Let's see -- a giggling baby doll she liked a lot when we saw it at Target, a snowglobe (I get one for her every year), some buttons for her coat (which she didn't really like so she hasn't sewn them on yet), a couple of divided dishes she saw in a shop and indicated an interest in, a kitchen decoration she saw in the same shop, a baking sheet, a set of flannel sheets, some Magic cards... I think that's about it. It was a cheap Christmas this year, things being what they are. Most of the money got spent on the kids.

I got a lot of Magic cards, several books (the next three installments of the WRINKLE IN TIME series from Madeline L'Engel; SuperWife got me a copy of A WRINKLE IN TIME years ago), a few comics from Mike Norton (something by Neil Gaiman, and something else by Will Eisner, neither of them things I'd have ever bought for myself, and thus, perfect gifts), a sweater, a pair of jeans, a couple of pairs of pajama bottoms, a copy of Lois McMaster Bujold's WINTERFAIR GIFTS on CD, and probably some other stuff I can't remember right now.

The kids all did fine, especially Super Adorable Kid, who badly wanted an American Girl doll and wound up with two, plus extra stuff. Well, okay, we did end up with a pretty big fly in the ointment.... Super Drama Barely A Teen wasn't happy with her presents because it was all grown up stuff and she wanted toys, apparently (although she'd put all grown up stuff on her list) and she sulked quite a bit and that made SuperWife unhappy and me very very angry with my eldest daughter's gracelessness, so to that extent it was not our best Christmas ever. But SuperWife concocted a fine Christmas dinner of ham and various different wonderful side dishes and we all got through it and now we have survived yet another holiday season. Everything is back in the boxes and the boxes are back in the basement and we've even gotten through Super Adorable Kid's 9th birthday party, which was held at Build A Bear, God help us all.

And that's about all. Be about your business.

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