They had one Supernova booster left at my local gaming shop when I went in there for stocking stuffers and the latest 52 today. ONE. So I bought it. Upon opening it, I found a Vet Nova on top -- which is nice, but I already have a full REV. So I kept digging. Next down -- Unique Machine Man! Okay, so it's an excellent booster. But there are still many Supernova figs I'm missing, so maybe it will get even better... I'd still like a Thor, or a Silver Surfer. So I pull out Machine Man and there underneath him, it's one of the Vance Astros with Captain America's shield. Ho hum, got a full REV already. So I pull him out, and there's an Experienced Badoon... ::sigh:: Okay, but I got a Machine Man... let's see what card I pulled...
...hey, what's this... some kind of extra printed piece packed in... hey, that looks like a Horrorclix card...
My head swivels at hypersonic speed as I search the tabletop for that Vance Astro. It's NOT a Vance Astro... it's... OMG, it's...

Unfortunately, the Machine Man ruined one of SuperFiancee's Christmas presents for me, an eventuation I've been kicking myself, and abjectly apologizing to her for, all day long.
So that Machine Man (the one out of the booster) is trade fodder, and the one I'll get from SuperFiancee on Christmas is the one I'll keep, and put on display with my Avengers mob. Best I can do with a bad sitation entirely of my own making.
And yet... still... the last Supernova booster they had in the store... and it had both a Unique, and... A ZOMBIE CAPTAIN AMERICA.
I have no hope of getting all of the other Marvel Zombies, of course, and I've never read the series that inspired the figs... and while I'd be happy to have it as a gift, it's not something I'd ever spend any of my own money on. And the fig itself is going for... well... just under $100, from what I can see, on Ebay. And I'd imagine if I'm ever going to have anything that anyone might trade a Kingdom Come Green Lantern (and maybe something else) for, this is it.
So I doubt I'll end up keeping it. I mean, I like the fig... if I could have chosen to pull any one of the Zombie figs, it would have been this one... but I don't like it more than I like a hundred bucks cash, or any number of other figures I want more and could feasibly get in a straight up trade.
Still... it's really frickin' cool to have one now.
Although I wish I hadn't so monumentally screwed up one of SuperFiancee's Christmas presents. That I deeply, deeply regret. I'm very very sorry, baby. ::head hung in shame::
ADDENDUM, 12/24/06
Whew! Pull a Marvel Zombie, you get some respect!
Usually, I post a trade offer over at the WizKids site and I get maybe, if I'm lucky, 1 or 2 private messages within the next 24 to 48 hours.
Last night, I posted my Colonel America piece as a potential trade. This morning, I log in and there are SEVEN PRIVATE MESSAGES. That was three hours ago. I just logged in again... THREE MORE.
Here's the kind of offers I'm getting:
Ultimate Thor
KC Superman
CT Nightcrawler
Plus all of these:
V Night Thrasher
R Marvel Boy
V Starhawk
V Vindicator
V Silver Surfer
V Radioactive Man
R Kraven
E Shadowcat
V Jack O' Lantern
E Mach-3
Whew! And then there's --
Jack of Hearts
Super Skrull
R Thor
R Surfer
R Dr. Spectrum
R Vision
E Guardian
R Kang
RE Bulldozer
V Nocturn
R Marvel Boy
V Night Thrasher
Mental Shields
Kingpin of Hells Kitchen
Other Stuff:
Mr. Fixit
Ultimate Phoenix
Shield V
Shadowcat E V
Deathlok V
Spiderman E V
Radioactive man V
Daredevil E V
Bullseye E
Kraven R
Badoon V
Skrull V
Marvel Boy R
Nocturne V
Bulldozer R E
Kang R V
Vision R V
Mantis V
Silver Surfer R
Thor R V
Binary U
Graviton U
Mr Fixit U
And then there's --
Hi, here's my offer for Colonel Zombie:
Kyle Richmond LE w/out box
Vet Night Thrasher
R Bulldozer
R Kang
E Guardian, V Vindicator
R Dr. Spectrum
V Silver Surfer
V Thor
Jack of Hearts
Phoenix (Ultimates) (glued)
And then, finally (for now, anyway):
U Binary
U Ult IronMan
U Mr. Fixit
V Shield (sinister)
U Forge
LE Kyle Richmond
V Night Thrasher
R Marvel boy
R/E Bulldozer
E Guardian
U Super Skrull
E Mach IV
V Jack O Lantern
R/E Kraven
And all the cards
Plus, this just in:
Kyle Richmond
R, Vision
R, E Dr. Spectrum
Jack of Hearts
Ultimates Iron Man
As they say in the underground funny books - Yow Yow Yow! Are we having fun yet? ;)
A little later, Christmas Eve:
Two more:
Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen
Vet Kree
Vet Badoon
Vet Night Thrasher
R Marvel Boy
Vet Nocturne
V Starhawk
R, V Kang
V Vindicator
R, V Vision
V Mantis
E Dr. Spectrum
Jack of Hearts
and Parallax
for your Zombie?
And --
Vet Jack O'Lantern
Exp Mach-3
Vet Daredevil
Rookie Kraven
Kyle Richmond
Vet Kree
Vet Badoon
Vet Night Thrasher
R Marvel Boy
Vet Nocturne
E Bulldozer
R, Kang
E Guardian, V Vindicator
V Mantis
R, Dr. Spectrum
R Silver Surfer
R Thor
Jack of Hearts
Mr. Fixit
Silver Dreadnaught (Dreadnaught LE)
Of all these offers, it's tough to say which I favor. It's not just quantity of figs. Several people seem to have spare Ultimates Iron Man figs, but if I have to choose between that and Ultimates Thor, well, I'd rather have Ultimates Thor. Only one person has offered me that particular figure, and his accompanying list of REVs ain't bad, either. If he had a Supernova Thor on it, I'd be very tempted.
Then there's the third guy down... no Ultimates at all, but he's cleaning up nearly all my SINISTER and SUPERNOVA REV wants, and tossing in a few Uniques.
I mean, if I could just pick and choose from each offer, and assemble an ideal list...
Well, I've decided to take the week between holidays to think all offers over. I may get a few more figs tomorrow, too, assuming I don't bungle any more of SuperFiancee's presents by then and get thrown out of the house.
Yet another addendum 12/27/06
A few more offers thrown on the pile:
From Sinister I have:
>Exp. Hydra Technician (w/ healing)
>Exp. Shadowcat
>Exp. MACH-3
>Exp. Spider-Man (single base Transporter Ability)
>Vet Radioactive Man
>Vet Deathlok
>Vet Jack O'Lantern
>Rookie Kraven
LE Kyle Richmond
LE Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen
Here's what I have from SUPERNOVA:
Rookie Marvel Boy
Vet Nocturne
R & E Bulldozer
Rookie Kang
Vet Vindicator
Rookie Vision
Rookie Thor
Jack of Hearts
and all the cards you needed from this set.
Vet Jack O'Lantern
Exp, Vet Spider-Man
Rookie Kraven
Scarlet Spider
Kyle Richmond
Vet Kree
R Silver Surfer
R Thor
Jack of Hearts
Super Skrull
Mr. Fixit
KC Hawkman
And, finally (for now):
BUT heres another
your Zombie Col America
for my
V Shield Trooper x2
REV Hydra
V Jack O' Lantern
E Mach 3
E Spiderman
V Radioactive Man
RE Kraven
Vet Kree
Vet Badoon
Vet Skrull
Vet Night Thrasher
R Marvel Boy
Vet Nocturne
RV Kang
E Guardian
R, E Dr. Spectrum
Yes all of it for your Col America
Of course, this morning I posted on the WK site that I'm not going to ship the zombie fig until I receive whichever offer I accept in the mail. That may very well cause some if not all of these fine traders to withdraw their offers. If so, well, I can always trade with Mike Norton. In the meantime, I'll just wait and see, since I've already announced I'm not making a decision until this weekend, and not posting my decision until New Year's Day.
This may be the winner...
Hard to imagine anyone beating THIS:
The Atom U (puck) JLA
Plastic Man U (mailbox) JLA
Hydra R
Shield troopers Rx2 Vx2
Shadowcat E V
Spiderman E V
Radioactive Man V
Daredevil E
Bullseye E
Kraven R
Badoon V
Skrull V
Marvel Boy R
Bulldozer R E
Kang R V
Vision R V
Mantis V
Silver Surfer R
Thor R V
Binary U
Graviton U
MUTANT MAYHEM (you listed these as little interest)
Nastirh U
Black Queen U
Cyclops V
Marvel girl V
Colosus V
Mr. Fixit U
More on the DC side there is:
Dan Cassidy LE
Jefferson Pierce LE
Kyle Raynor LE
Arthur Light LE
Clark Kent LE
Omac 5674 LE
GeneGrafted Brain LE
Shazam (KC) LE
Congratulations! Yeah, we finally get some version of Cap (even if he's a Colonel in that timeline) with leading clicks of Running Shot and it's an ultra-rare zombie inspired by a second rate story.
ReplyDeleteThis also continues to confirm the pattern than zombies almost always come in the same booster as a unique. The only variation I've seen from that is a report that one accompanied a veteran Hyperion.
The two targets on his ranged attack are sweet, too. He's actually a very playable piece... and if I had a hope in hell of getting the other three, I would never ever trade him, but, as it is...
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming your little Clix sized package to me (which I have not been allowed to open yet, on pain of beatings) is not a Marvel Zombie. ;)
Although if it was a Machine Man, you'd spare me a great deal of heat right now.
Right, I meant to mention the two targets, too.
ReplyDeleteHe's definitely top level trade material; I'll be curious to see which offer gets the bite. I doubt I'd be able to match the best of the offers you'll get.
Once again, though, congratulations on the pull.
As for Machine Man, no, I knew the general direction T was going in so I steered clear of those. Mine are a minor token, but nonetheless items I thought you'd like.
ReplyDeleteHey, long time toleration of my obnoxious behavior has to count for something. If you want the Colonel America, throw me an offer. I'll grade yours on the curve. ;)
And if you have a spare KC Green Lantern, well, you'll probably win, with any kind of decent support list.
Heh! Well, any spare KC GL I had went away a long time ago. That may have been one of the items I sold to someone in France -- I know that's where a Critical Mass Surfer and some others went.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, go with what brings you the best pieces, but let me see what I can toss together as an offer.
Well, here's my bid -- and, please, I will not find fault if you go with a more solid offer; I'm sure there are people with more exotic items to offer, and it isn't as if another of the zombies is going to fall into your hand.
ReplyDelete[From Supernova:]
Thor R & V (the two Avengers levels)
Silver Surfer R
Super Skrull
Are you still looking for a vet Kang? I have one to toss in.
No rush on any answer -- pull in as many offers as seem to be coming. As mentioned before no hard feelings if someone turns up something really special. There are likely people out there more desperate and/or more well-connected to key pieces than I. The Colonel isn't a must-have piece, just one of two of the four I knew I'd keep if I pulled.
Have fun!
Oh, if you're still looking for some of the other rank and file pieces, such as a Rookie Bulldozer (I see that on some of the offers), I can swing that one and likely some others, too -- I've simply lost track of what you're missing.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to take the week to mull offers. But, as I said, yours will be considered and weighted differently from everyone else's. And I'll make a decision around New Year's.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yeah, I'm still looking for a Vet Kang.
Very good!
ReplyDeleteOkay, it occurs to me that I should at least post what I put up over at WK, so you have the same info as everyone else who is frantically bidding:
"Here's what I still need from SINISTER:
More SHIELD Troopers, especially the Vet
Vet Jack O'Lantern
Exp, Vet Shadowcat
Exp, Vet Mach-3, Mach-4
Vet Deathlok
Vet Falcon
Exp, Vet Spider-Man
Vet Radioactive Man
Exp, Vet Daredevil
Exp, Vet Bullseye
Rookie, Exp Kraven
Scarlet Spider
Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen
Kyle Richmond
Here's what I still need from SUPERNOVA:
Vet Kree
Vet Badoon
Vet Skrull
Vet Night Thrasher
R Marvel Boy
Vet Nocturne
REV Bulldozer
V Starhawk
R, V Kang
E Guardian, V Vindicator
R, V Vision
V Mantis
R, E Dr. Spectrum
REV Silver Surfer
REV Thor
Jack of Hearts
Super Skrull
Out of the above lists, I would obviously only seriously consider trading my Marvel Zombie for MANY MANY figs. Dozens. Hundreds. Thousands, maybe.
Other figs I've been looking for for quite a while that I'd consider to be more on a par with a Colonel America in terms of trade value:
Phoenix (Ultimates)
Mr. Fixit
Ultimates Iron Man
Ultimates Thor
KC Green Lantern
KC Thor
Rupert (Mole Man LE)
Silver Dreadnaught (Dreadnaught LE)"
You've seen in the entry itself what people are offering me. A few have offered minor sweeteners since then, mostly to bring their offers more in line with some others.
However, as I've stated, your offer will be graded on a considerable curve, you know, based on stuff like my Man of Steel Superman fig, my Green Lantern Corps set, boxes and boxes of figs sent to me and Paul... you know. This Shall Not Be Forgotten.
Grats on the nice pulls, and the acquisition of that which cannot be acquired.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences on the fiancee aggro though. Always VERY dangeous to either shop for yourself or open presents early. You have only yourself to blame, dude.
But I have a feeling SF will forgive. She's quality people, that girl.
er, 'aggro' is an MMORPG term for gaining the attention of a hostile computer-controlled opponent, thereby causing it to direct its attacks at you. It is a 'main tank's' job to get aggro and keep the NPC occupied while the rest of the party takes it out.
ReplyDeleteLol, now that I think of it, I've 'main-tanked' Orlo's aggro on Jojo several times in the past, and my latest blog entry kind of mentions that... Strange coincidences...
Thanks for the reinforcements, Nate. Yes, I have forgiven him. I VERY much wish he'd picked up the booster and then held it until after we'd opened gifts. I mean, hey, the Colonel America would have still been in there, right? But, that shit happens and there's not much you can do after it has.
ReplyDeleteI think I'm safe next year (and the many after that). That's really all I can ask.
ReplyDeleteI got a Super Skrull from T in my stocking. So you may want to adjust that part of your offer.
Beyond that... um... you don't have even one teensy weensy spare Vet Daredevil and/or Bullseye and/or Spider-Man from SINISTER lying around somewhere? Down between the sofa cushions, maybe? ;)
We appreciate the good thoughts, always.
Whew! Glad I escaped with my life on that one! ;)
ReplyDeleteActually, I can pretty much guarantee that if he had waited to open that booster, it's contents would have changed. In point of fact, according to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, any unobserved phenomenon is in a state of flux, containing each and every possible outcome, until it's outcome is observed, at which point a single possible outcome comes into being, and the others all vanish.
Every unscratched lottery ticket is a winner of every prize AND a losing ticket, until it is scratched, at which point one and only one of those possible outcomes becomes reality.
Now, supposedly, this state of flux is entirely random. In reality though, the unobserved outcome is affected by a number of factors, including one called Murphy's Law. ML interacts with HUP to guarantee the worst possible outcome in any given situation, and is itself inversely affected by the observers' karmic balance.
Basically, the more decent, worthwhile, and generally good a person the observer is, the greater the probability that any unobserved waveform will collapse into the worst possible outcome. This is what I call the Cosmic Clark Conspiracy, as it has had a profound effect on my family. This CCC basically guarantee's that winning lottery tickets will be purchased by doctor's wives, lawyers, or anyone without a lick of fiscal aptitude, so that either the money is not needed, or actually makes the recipient's life far worse than it was before winning.
So, had H opened the pack after getting his Super Skrull, it would have been all rookies and maybe one Ex, no Vets or Uniques at all, and certainly no zombie Cap (or Col.).
I guarantee it.
Good to hear that Hurricane Tammy downgraded to Tropical Depression and blew out fast. Told you.