Saturday, January 28, 2006


...I've caught a case of troll-itis, so I've had to reactivate 'comment moderation' for a while. I know it's aggravating, but, well, it's been made necessary by some numbnuts shit for brains who simply doesn't have enough self respect to stay out of places where they're neither invited nor wanted.

I suspect it's the man-child formerly known as Lord Corwin of Amber, and/or Gandalf the Grey, and the reason he won't sign even one of those names is that he sent me an email a while back telling me he was done with bugging me, and now he's unwilling to admit in public that he's a lying turd, as well as a gutless, pointless, loveless, desperate for attention one.

Whatever the case, comment moderation will stay up as long as it needs to.

In one of the many many many gnatlike, hissing, venomous little hate notes this skulking comment thread molester has posted over the past afternoon, he threatened to start posting his comments to other blogs as well... which would probably mean, he'll post them to any blogs that belong to my more friendly commenters. So, if any of you should catch troll-itis from this blog, well, I express my regrets.


  1. I'm very afraid for my safety now. I think I may have to turn this over to some kind of official agencies. I'm pretty sure that making threats over the Internet is illegal...


    ...isn't being deliberately annoying on the Internet, anonymously, illegal now, too? I'm pretty sure I read about that somewhere.

    Where's that FBI URL...

  2. Mr/Ms Anonymous,

    Prozac is your friend.

  3. Why I'm doing this, I don't know; it's utterly unmerited. However, I will pass along something --

    'Anonymous' -- the one who's been trolling me all along with all the various comments I've been deleting -- flatly and vehemently denies posting the first comment in this thread. And it strikes me as a little more hyper than he's normally been... although one of his unpublished comments that I rejected contains some extremely ugly, extremely violent imagery I don't think a reasonable person (or even me) would have to work to hard to find somewhat threatening.

    Still, he says he didn't post the comment at the top. For what that's worth.

    It's an interesting philosophical quandary... how do you tell one 'anonymous' troll from another? Kind of sucks to be a nameless coward when other nameless cowards are behaving in a way you'd like to disown...

    I also want to note that 'Anonymous' has pretty much admitted, in another unpublished comment, that he is indeed Gandalf, and his promise that he wasn't going to be a jackass any more because it wasn't what he wanted to be is, in his eyes, null and void because, you know, I continued to post things that annoy and offend him.


    Julia, thanks for the comment, by the way. I appreciate the support.

  4. Hmmm. Julia had a follow up comment here that I approved when I first got up, but it hasn't shown up yet. Still, thanks, Julia.

    Gandalf has also decided to try to circumnavigate my ban on him by taking up the new commenting name 'Shinto'. It won't work, though. His posts are still childishly hateful, and reek of his mediocre intellect and non-existent wit. If he wants to get something past me, he's going to have to make an attempt to contribute more to the conversation than first grade spite.

